April 04, 2016


A.   Definition:
1.    According by Loretta Schorr, paragraph are driven by topic sentences. All other sentences in a paragraph elaborate on, explain, detail, prove, or define that topic sentence. It is important to sequence the sentences in paragraph logically. In doing so, you help your reader understand your message. 
2.    According by Betty Schramper Azar, this formal sequence of tenses in noun clause is used in both speaking and writing. However, sometimes in spoken English, no change is made in the noun clause verb, especially if the speaker is reporting something immediately or soon after it was said. 
3.    According by Dedi Irwansyah, the sequences of tenses depends on what socalled logical sequences. The sequence must be logical.  
B.    Explain
According by Betty Schramper Azar = formal sequence of tenses in noun clause is used in both speaking and writing. However, sometimes in spoken English, no change is made in the noun clause verb, especially if the speaker is reporting something immediately or soon after it was said.
Immediate reporting:   A:What did the teacher just say? I didn’t hear him.
                                    B: He said he wants us to read chapter six.
Later reporting:           A: I didn’t go to class yesterday. Did Mr. Jones make any assignment
B: Yes. He said he wanted us to read chapter six.
                                                      According by Dedi Irwansyah = The sequences of tenses depends on what socalled logical sequences. The sequence must be logical. For example, it is not logic to say “I went to Jakarta last week, and I buy a new novel” ; the logical sequences is “I went to Jakarta last week, and I bought a new nove”. It is possible to say, for example “I bought a new novel last week. I am going to finish it today”. Thes, as long as the change or the shift in tenses follows the logical sequences, it is acceptable.
Using verb tenses in sequence correctly is often difficult, especially for people whose mother tongue is not English. The situation is further complicated by the fact that context, idiom and style play as large a role in determining tense sequence as do grammatical rules.
In order to determine the correct verb sequence, you must be able to identify independent and dependent clauses. The sequence of tenses in complex sentences is normally determined by the tense of the verb in the independent clause. In compound sentences, the tense that fits the logic of the sentence should be used.
Present tenses in sequence
In general, present tenses may be followed by a wide variety of tenses as long as the sequence fits the logic of the sentence.
The four present tenses are the simple present, present progressive, present perfect and present perfect progressive. When any of these tenses are used in an independent clause, the verb in the dependent clause can be a present tense, past tense or future tense verb, as in the following examples:
Joe waits patiently while Bridget books the tickets.
The simple present tense is used in both the independent clause (Joe waits patiently) and the dependent clause (while Bridget books the tickets).
·         They have not delivered the documents we need.
The verb of the independent clause they have not delivered the documents is in the present perfect tense, while the verb of the dependent clause we need is in the simple present tense. The simple future could also be used in the dependent clause (we will need).
·         Even though the coroner has beenexamining the corpse since early this morning, we still do not know the cause of death.
In this sentence, the compound verb of the independent clause (we still do not know the cause of death) is in the simple present tense. The simple predicate of the dependent clause (even though the coroner has been examining the corpse since early this morning) is in the present perfect progressive tense (has been examining).
Past tenses in sequence
When the verb in an independent clause is in the past tense, the verb in the dependent clause is normally in a past tense as well. The past tenses are the simple past, past progressive, past perfect and past perfect progressive.
The verb in the dependent clause should accurately reflect the temporal relationship between the two clauses.
If the action in the dependent clause occurred before the action in the independent clause, the past perfect is usually the most appropriate tense for the dependent clause, as in the following examples:
·         Miriam arrived at 5 p.m. but Whitaker had closed the store.
The action of the dependent clause (but Whitaker had closed the store) is described with a past perfect tense (had closed) because the act of closing took place before the act of arriving. The simple predicate of the independent clause is in the simple past (arrived).
·         After we located the restaurant that Christian had raved about, we ate there every Friday.
Since the actions of the second dependent clause (that Christian had raved about) precedes the other actions located and ate in the sentence, the past perfect is the most appropriate verb tense.
·         After she had learned to drive, Alice felt more independent.
In this example, the predicate of the dependent clause is in the past perfect (had learned) because the act of learning preceded the act of feeling independent
One of the most common reasons for verb sequence errors arises from the confusion between the present perfect (has walked) and the past perfect (had walked). Although both tenses convey a sense of something happening in the past, the present perfect is categorized as a present tense verb.

Number the sentences to create a logical sequence for a paragraph. Number 1 should be your topic sentences.
             a) There is much to be learned.
             b) Can scientists engineer a gene to reverse or arrest cancer by the    year 2010?
              c) Although, the HGP is now finised, scientists will be analyzing the           data for many years to come.
              d) Will scientists discover a gene that stop aging?
              e) The new discoveries that scientist will find in the future will                    chalenge our world.
              f) Comparing human genes with those of other organism will help                           scientists identify genes that are associated with specific disease and    traits.
              g) For example, the sudy of genes will help us learn about the                      common biology that all life shares.

1.    C
2.    A
3.    G
4.    F
5.    D
6.    B
7.    E

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